Stickman Readers' Submissions January 7th, 2006

An Ancient Massage Technique

cbd oil

By Bayleaf

I first went on holiday to Thailand two years ago and returned from a second visit a few weeks ago. My reasons for going, and wanting to go back again soon are the weather, the different culture and feel of the place and the women. I go with the attitude
that I will have a good holiday if I can swim every day in the ocean, sunbathe, walk on the beach, see some temples / sights and generally reach a point where I feel I have enough time on my hands to either do something I have been meaning to
do but not had the time to do at home in England or do nothing but laze around. That's my template for the holiday but somehow there is a murky overlay of yearning for a relationship with a Thai woman (how unique you say).

mens clinic bangkok

I am 48. I have met a few Thai women in their twenties who showed immediate interest in me. Now I believe that was because I showed with a nice smile that I was interested in THEM. These women have mostly been waitresses in daily contact
with farang. Each says they want an older man to "take care me". Some say they have a baby and their Thai boyfriend left them or was already married. The baby is being looked after by the girl's mother or a friend but they don't
have a picture of the baby on their mobile phone. There is a remarkable consistency to their stories whether it be Koh Samui, Krabi or Bangkok (is there a manual?).

What I find odd and hard to understand accept is the way they came on to me 100% initially but within a few days their 'interest' evaporated. Or maybe I do understand. I then witness them joking around and touching other farang in front of me
making me more than jealous. However I do not buy presents or pretend that I will "take care" of them. I then try to convince myself that it's nothing personal and that the farang they DO have a relationship with is the buffalo
they are searching for and although I'm quite easy going and soft in nature I am very careful and need more than two days to fall in love (but it's not love is it?) so I'm not good buffalo material. Then the winner (of her affections)
is really the loser.

Moving on from this low key charade (I want sex they want money) I find myself in Koh ?**** a few weeks ago. Lots of bars and bar girls, lots of older farang toting younger but not always beautiful Thai temporary girlfriends. I decide to
go to a massage shop for a one and a half hour oil massage. She's a young, in her mid-twenties, attractive woman. After massaging my legs she massages my testicles for about ten minutes. Is this normal? I am very turned on but I have read
that it's an ancient massage technique used for non sexual medical reasons and is taught at Wat Pho?! DOES ANYONE KNOW IF THIS IS THE CASE? I don't ask her if it's medical in case she stops. Nothing else overtly sexual happens or
is offered although I remain 'uncovered throughout).

Later I'm on my back and we have a friendly conversation culminating in her inviting herself to my bungalow that night. Hmmm just what I'd hoped would happen. She is looking for a farang to take care of her she tells me. Me? Well
lets just see what happens. I'm half in love, half in lust. It dawns on me each day that she's not really into me. I pay for our trips to town for food and entertainment and that feels OK. I don't pay for our nights together. Two
Thai women I met subsequently couldn't believe I didn't pay her. I must have been deluding myself. She became withholding of her favours. She arrived at my bungalow late at night to tell me she would not be staying as she needed to sleep
or on one occasion prepare fruit at five in the morning for the Buddha (wearing full make-up, her not Buddha). OK she was seeing someone else but don't think I haven't tried to convince myself it was otherwise. She shouted at me that
I never thought about her and must think she was stupid. She put her mobile phone between our pillows and it went off at one in the morning. In the morning she read the message and I saw it. The message was, "Good night my love, sweet dreams,
R******". That probably accounted for the previous four day 'gap' in our sleeping together, wondered why when she came to tell me she couldn't stay she had showered and made herself up. She was however possessive and was always
one step ahead of me when devising ways to stop me going into town alone where I might meet other women. OK now I understand the situation, it's the same as the waitresses.

We part on unspoken but not friendly terms.

I go to Bangkok and have a soapy massage with a happy ending and thoroughly enjoy the experience. It's a simple money for sex transaction. She was lovely but I don't care if ever see her again because it was understood what the terms were of our encounter.

My masseuse from the island is different. I love / hate her. I read her e-mail account. She has met about three new friends in the last two weeks. She 'really misses them and their smiles'. They had a 'great time with her and hope they can meet again in the future'. She wants them to visit her and she will "show them around and take good care of them".


Stickman's thoughts:

I've heard about this grabbing your nuts massage but never experienced it myself – and not too disappointed – don't know that it would be as pleasant as you describe!

nana plaza