Stickman Readers' Submissions January 19th, 2006

A Family Affair

I must write to you on a recent "Thai" Family experience I have encountered since returning from a recent trip to the Land of Smiles.

I am married to a Thai lady and she is one of the good girls. I met my wife over five years ago while living in the USA. We have had a good relationship for the most part, but like all married couples we have our moments. We recently got
back to the USA after spending 4 weeks in Pattaya where we purchased a home. While there for the four weeks I occasionally got a "day pass" where myself and her youngest brother went out and did the guy thing. Trusting her brother to
keep all things that happen between us, we explored all the fun things that Pattaya has to offer. I did things that I wasn't suppose to be doing and her brother did things that he wasn't suppose to be doing. I thought that what happened
would stay between us but I was sadly mistaken.

mens clinic bangkok

Two weeks after returning to the US, my wife called her brother who is living in the house that we purchased to see if all is okay with the house, checking to see if he needed any money to pay for the day to day expenses etc. I am assuming
that he had a Buddha experience, feeling guilty that his brother-in-law would two face his sister, so he began to tell the story of our "day pass" adventures. Of course he did not mention to my wife his indecent behavior, only mine.
When confronted with this, I did what any red blooded American would do, lie! I stated that I have not got a clue about anything he told you, but I did not do anything that he said. My wife did not buy my story, instead believing that her brother
would not lie to her, because if he did, he would be sorry. Nice to know that Thai men have no gonads and can stand up to an older sibling! Anyways, his confessions got me into some hot water, to the point of her calling our five years of marriage
quits. After some massive graveling on my part, I got my wife to forgive me, but with me still not confessing to anything!

A few days have passed now since all of this transpired, my wife still questioning me on why I did this and why I did that. I still play the innocent victim, but deep down I know she still believes her brother. For the sake of this submission, I did not
tell my wife of her brothers escapades knowing that he has a wife and a child and that what he does is his business, not mine. I am very upset at him for even mentioning this to my wife, and I do not believe that I can ever trust him again. My
wife and I are planning on making the move to Thailand by the end of the year, and having her brother stay there with us is just not going to work.

After the confessions and my wife and I moving to Thailand, there will not be any fun for me. I will be lucky if I can go into a public toilet without my ball and chain tagging along. There is no trust on her part now concerning me. Was I
wrong in what I did? Yes! But the candy in the candy store just looked so delicious that I had to put my hand in the jar! I am just curious if any other readers of this site has had a similar experience with their Thai spouse believing their family
over them. That is what hurt the most out of all this, her believing him and not me!! And if I ever speak to him again, which I am sure I will, I will ask him next time tell the whole story, not just bits and piece's that keeps his hands

Stickman's thoughts:

Well, I do not know what to say. You were foolish doing what you did but even more foolish to trust this character. I remember reading the book "Welcome To Hell" about the Irishman in a Thai jail who said that whenever there were planned escapes concerning farangs, the other Thai cons would tip off the guards.

It will be interesting to see if your marriage goes the distance after this….

nana plaza