Stickman Readers' Submissions July 15th, 2005

Tomorrow Might Be Too Late

cbd oil

By World Citizen

Our World was shaken by the 911 attacks on the World Trade Center! I watched the whole thing LIVE on CNN and I saw ALL of it. I tell you I was transfixed for hours. I couldn't believe what I was watching, like many other millions no doubt. I kept
imagining what it must be like on those floors above the raging fires or even in that helicopter hovering above and seeing all those desperate people trying to decide whether it's best to die by being burnt alive or simply wish for the best
and jump to their deaths? Oh Please! Don't let me see that again!

I had really wanted to stand there on the rooftop one day and open a bottle of San Miguel with my brother and wish him well. But some things are not meant to be. Life, Death and Destiny stuff I guess!

mens clinic bangkok

And then the horror in Bali. I was transfixed again by the horror, and especially by eye-witness accounts and the shocking photos on the internet. I visited the site in Kuta and the Memorial, and believe me, it was perplexing just trying to imagine that
night. Trying so hard to imagine what I would have done if I were in that bar joking and dancing with my friends. Oh please don't let this happen again!

Then, there was Madrid! A place where I have a deep affection for and will always have close to my heart. Atocha Platforms, where I used to wait for the Cercanias on the way to work. That day, when I heard the news, I immediately called my ex to see if
she was ok. Luckily, she was fine!

Then there was Istanbul, Casablanca, and Jakarta! WTF is going on? Now, it doesn't really sink in unless you're there. But in the back of all our minds, it's there. We have learnt that no place is safe anymore. Wherever you are, whatever
you are doing, nowhere is safe.

Life is Precious! Don't Waste it!

Do something good today! Tomorrow it might be too late! Help someone today! Give someone something they need today! Whatever your background, do some good today! If you are Buddhist, go to the temple today and make your offerings, light some incense sticks,
and make your wishes! Wish for tolerance! If you are Muslim, head for the Mosque and pray to Allah, and thank him for your Health and Safety and your prosperity. Ask him for tolerance! If your are Christian, and you believe that Jesus Christ died
for you on the Cross, then ask him to forgive your sins and he will forgive all of them. Ask him for more tolerance! And if you are a non-believer of any faith. Go out and be compassionate for one day! Give to someone in need! Just give, it's
a nice feeling! Tomorrow, it might be too late! Do it today! Do it!

And then this past couple of weeks, LONDON! Another place close to my heart! There is no place on earth with more CCTV cameras than Central London. And checkout what happens? Incredible when you think about it. But this is the reality we are faced with!
I am not talking Politics. I am not talking Religion. I am not talking Blame. I am not talking conflicting Ideologies or competing Civilizations, I am talking Nana Plaza!

Really I cannot think of a more vulnerable place on the planet! So here is my message to you, all of you who are there in Bangkok! And if you know Taksin, if you are associated in any way, if you are Thai and you work in Government, or if you are a Senior
Thai Policeman at Lumphini, or if you are the Governor of Bangkok, then please read, take note, and willfully take action! Take Action Today! Tomorrow might be too late!

I don't need to ameliorate the whys and the wherefores because it is plain obvious to anyone what the consequences might be given one small backpack at one of the ground-level bars. It turns my stomach to think of the devastation!

Do it today! Tomorrow might be too late!

What You Don't Need!

1. You don't need CCTV Camaras! London has shown that this simply does not deter the determined! This will only help in gathering evidence when the damage has aleady been done. And what use is that if the perpetrators have already showered their
blood all over the place?

2. You don't need to register all Mobile Phone Users because this is open to abuse and can be easily manipulated by people on the street or can be seen as an unecessary beaurocratic measure by low paid workers at Mobile Phone stalls or Shops. I'm
sorry but this is a rather naïve action to take! Besides today's technologies are numerous: Infrared! Bluetooth! Wireless at varying radio frequencies! It's mind boggling what's possible! And Mobile Phones only use one type
of technology. Think about it!

3. Early Closing & Urine Tests. – What?

So what do you really need? How can you at least minimize the possibility of this happening at Nana? Here are my suggestions. And please if you are a Thai Official: Take note and Take Action Today! Tomorrow might be too late!

1. No more hand baggage by Thais or non-Thais at any time of day allowed inside the Plaza unless inspected! Of course all those who work there can easily go into a secret checkpoint where their identity is verified or known already and their baggage searched,
if need be.

2. One fully clothed Policeman at the entrance 24 hrs a day. Working in shifts. Costly? How much is somebody's life worth?

3. Two plain clothed policemen on guard watching the entrance preferably at all hours but realistically at acceptable hours, maybe one sitting at a bar opposite the plaza and the other mingling with the Soi 4 vendors on the street etc.

4. All 3 Policemen should be in constant touch with some communications device at all times….Bluetooth headsets?

5. Bar Owners should be vigilant at all times and work together as they do already but aware of any suspicious activity/persons.

6. Bar Owners and Expats should be constantly vigilant and keep an eye out for who comes in and where they go.

Do it today! Do it today! Tomorrow might be too late!

Stickman's thoughts:

If they are going to hit anywhere, I'd say it'd be Khao Sarn Road, or at a long shot, Emporium.

nana plaza