Stickman Readers' Submissions July 25th, 2005

Oh! Take Me Back To Asia!

cbd oil

By Chang Yet

A few years ago when I was as green as a fresh cucumber, I had the chance to stopover in Singapore on the way down under. Back then I knew nothing about the bars, the girls or Stickman's website. I was just another fresh vegetable!

I always had this thing about Asian girls, and although I'd known a number of Chinese girls at college, they all seemed to stick together and were pretty stuck up, in my opinion. I guess they were the 'good girls'! There was
one though. She had such an exquisitely slim body and a complexion so perfect. She was absolutely lovely. I befriended her and we spent many a weekend together but I soon discovered that platonic relationships were for sissies and losers, and
certainly not to my liking. As you can imagine, the relationship was short lived but I would never forget what part of the world she was from.

mens clinic bangkok

So I board the Singapore Airlines flight on my first time to Asia. I was curious and eager to visit this unique city island state. In fact, I had already decided that I might even check out some employment agencies on my two day stopover,
if I had the time. More than anything I just wanted to do the tourist stuff and jump on a bus or metro, study the city map and basically see the sights. I think one of the most enjoyable and delightful travel experience is to visit a new city
for the first time and just take in the sights and sounds. Just walk around aimlessly for hours, take a few photographs and, most importantly, check out the local minge!

We finally touch down at Changi Airport and I take that MRT train into town. I get off at Bugis Station. I walk around for a while and find myself in Little India. There, I find a cheap Chinese hostel for about S$50. The room is tiny but
it has Air-Con and a TV and shower and a one and a half sized bed with clean sheets. It's mid-morning so after a quick shower, I get changed and hit the streets. I walk around for hours and its really great to be in Asia for the first time!
That morning, I find myself standing outside a Chinese temple just watching the comings and goings. Out of nowhere, I notice this beautiful girl approaching and I can't take my eyes off her. She is a typical Singaporean girl that you might
see in a Singapore Airlines TV ad. She is a beautiful sight. I watch her walk inside, light her insence sticks and kneel down in front of the Buddha. She gets up and continues walking around inside the temple but she soon mingles with the crowd
and finally disappears behind hundreds of Asian heads. Oh! That's just what I need to make my visit complete, I thought. I stood there waiting for a while, hoping she might come out so that I could just give her a smile and maybe pluck up
the courage to greet her. After about 20 minutes or so, I finally accept that Buddha probably other plans for her that day.

So I take off and walk and walk. I must have walked for hours. I finally make it to the creek and have a beer at one of those bars. It's early afternoon and there are many people in business suites and I observe plenty of sweet looking
office girls. After a while I walk around the financial district and I go up one of those towers to check out the view. I walk around Chinatown for a while and can't help noticing that it's beaming with talent. Finally I take a bus to
Orchard Road so I can visit that famous Japanese bookstore, Kinokuiyna at the Takashimaya Mall and buy some books. Later, as I'm walking down Orchard Road the sky opens up and the torrential rains flood the streets. I love these tropical
afternoon showers. Meanwhile, everyone seeks refuge from the rain along this strip of stores that provide shelter from the rain.

So I'm standing there waiting for the rains to subside when I suddenly notice this girl standing right next to me. In fact, she is standing so close that I could just about feel the warmth of her body next to mine, and she has the most
beautiful silky black hair that I could possibly wish for in any woman. She is looking the other way so I seize the moment and look her up and down. She is nearly as tall as I am and she is wearing these white cotton pants tied around her sexy
waist with a flimsy string of cotton revealing her navel and flat stomach. The curvature between her navel and her crotch is just perfect and as I stand there fantasizing about untying that cotton string, she suddenly turns around and looks at
me straight in the eye. We both smile instantly and she asks "Do you have a light please?" in perfect English. I gladly attend to her request and decide to join her in smoking a cigarette. We joke about the rain and suddenly we find
ourselves standing there chatting away quite merrily. Twenty minutes later, the rain has long gone and the crowds have disappeared and we are absorbed in conversation. Before I know it, we are strolling down Orchard Road looking for a bar.

Hours later and a few bottles of Tiger Beer consumed, the bar is suddenly shutting up shop. As the shutter slams down she asks me where I'm staying to which I reply "It's just a small Chinese hostel down the road". She
asks "Can I stay with you tonight?". Well, I wasn't exactly going to decline the offer, so we leave and slowly walk towards my hostel. Smoke Luckys and get lucky, but I don't even smoke Luckys! Below the hostel there's
a Chinese restaurant and she is hungry, so we take a seat and she orders some white Chinese dumplings while I just have another beer. The conversation continues and she is a very well educated young woman it seems. Twenty three years old, but
out of work. She lives with her parents in a traditional Chinese family on the other side of town. She tells me she doesn't want to work at any old job, but wants to wait until she find the right offer. She's been out of work now for
eight months, she explains, and she is tired of looking. She is bored! I sit there looking at her, watching her nibbling away, barely opening her mouth and I can't help imagining what a delightful night I'm about to have tonight.

We leave the restaurant and as we approach the staircase, I take her hand in mine and lead her up the stairs. I treat her like a lady, and I can sense she loves it. On the first floor, we greet the receptionist, he is an old Chinese man and
very friendly indeed, he gives us a smile of approval. My room is on the fourth floor and there's no escalator. It's a hot night and as we come up to the fourth floor, both of us out of breath, she says "Wait!". She pulls me
towards her and gives me a hug. She places her head on my chest and I breath in her silky black hair. We pause for a moment, smile at each other and continue. We finally make it to the room and there is barely room for two people in there but
she doesn't seem to mind at all.

I lock the door behind us and I switch on the TV. She asks me to switch off the light. She takes off her sandals and as she lies there on the bed. She looks up at me half smiling and gently bites her lip in anticipation and starts to untie
that flimsy cotton string around her waist. She gently opens her white cotton pants and reveals to me her panties. Oh shit! The sparks are flying already and I haven't even touched her yet! I take off my shirt and my shoes and lay down beside
her and you can imagine the rest!

It's one memorable night of passion, and it's my first night in Asia.

Oh! Take me back to Asia!

Stickman's thoughts:

You disappointed many readers by stopping there.

nana plaza