Stickman Readers' Submissions March 30th, 2005

The Most Beautiful Girl I Ever Met #5

cbd oil

Before posting this submission, let me just say that after submission #3, I was quite amazed by so many of your, mostly, sympathetic emails. A big “Thankyou” to those of you who took the time to write me your emails. Even if I did not respond
to many of them, I appreciated your thoughts & advice. I guess that’s what makes Stickman’s website what it is…Whether Stickman’s comments are hideous, harsh or hilarious, it’s enjoyable therapy writing the story,
and I would advise anyone else who have had a Thai ‘good-girl’ ‘bad-girl’ ‘bar-girl’ experiences to do: ‘same same!’

Now, where was I? Oh, Yes! Back to my story…

mens clinic bangkok

Before I continue, let me go back to that last night I spent with my tilac. As you may remember we spent a couple of hours at the Night Bazaar, after which we returned to her room but at the time of writing the events of that night had escaped
my memory.

Well, now I remember what happened that night. On the way back she kept asking me awkward questions about Wan, that Isaan Go-go girl with silicone implants that I had met on my first visit. I had already told her the story about her but now
she wanted more! Well, when we got back to her room, she kept asking me to see photos of her, but I kept explaining that I had already deleted her photos before coming back to Bangkok. Well, there we sat on the bed next to each other, and I go
searching the Recycling Bin for graphic files, and there they were, a number of *.jpg files starting with “Wan…”. I started Restoring them one by one not thinking too much about which ones they were, and “Oh, Dear!”
they were the worst photos I could have possibly shown her. There she was half naked massaging her tits, and my tilac just flipped, she whacked the Laptop onto the floor and stormed outside…What can I say? It wasn’t the best way to spend
my last night in Bangkok!

Well, after a rainy, freezing cold, gale-gusting week in Farangland, once again, I was headed back to work in that very hot and humid melting pot they call the Middle-East. That place where you can’t even browse dating web-sites, let
alone porn sites, since they are blocked by the National Telecom company’s proxy server. Imagine that! Even GQ Magazine on supermarket shelves have had all pictures of girls in bikinis censored with a black marker. And where, oddly enough,
although you may never have guessed it, there’s an abundant clandestine supply of Chinese and Russian rent-a-pussy who serve the local workforce with its unrelenting appetite. Funny World isn’t it?

Well once back at the “compound”, it suddenly occurred to me the severity of what I’d been doing…having had unprotected sex with a “working girl”. I started getting sweaty nights and all of a sudden I
was down with the flu. I started to get really worried about my state of health. This went on for at least two or three weeks, but gradually the cold cleared and the sweating went away. It probably had much more to do with those cold, rainy windswept
days in Farangland than anything else. Nevertheless, I did all the Blood Tests at the local Clinic but they found nothing. This was only relative comfort though, since I would have to wait another 3 months before taking them again, and another
3 to be sure I hadn’t caught HIV. I decided that on my next visit I’d take my tilac to a Clinic and get her the same tests.

Now, I also had time to absorb all those messages on her phone, rather, on my Laptop…Just days before my arrival she had received 5,000 baht from that Norwegian sponsor who apparently called her by another name, let’s say Mew! She
never used that name with me, and always wanted me to call her Lek. She had loads of other contacts too, and some rather interesting messages which made for fascinating reading. I won’t dwell on these but it really was like reading a chapter
out of that book: “Hello, My Big Big Honey”!!!!

Well during the first week back at work, the messages continued and I was back in the same predicament as before:





It had been just 2 week since I took off from Don Muang and She calls saying “I have 100 baht”. I told her I was not going to send her any money, but there I was thinking “Oh shit!”. I don’t remember now
what was going through my head at the time, but it had been nearly two weeks since my departure and the money was gone. I left her with about 6,000 baht and it was gone. Well, I guess she must have sounded pretty desperate at the time, I don’t
remember how she got to me this time since I had left with no intention of sending any more money. I end up sending 4,000 baht. However, over the next week, I managed to negotiate it down to 3,000 baht per week.

I called her one night and when she picked up the phone she said “I go out Patpong tonight with Mew”. I am sure she was referring to herself, or maybe to her ‘other’ personality i.e. her ‘bad’ personality.
Later, she calls me but she is spewing her guts out in some bar toilet. I just told her to go home to bed. I’m sure she was with some other guy, but what could I do?

Another night she called at about 3am from her friend’s Mobile & tells me how some guy had “pushed her” into a swimming pool there on Kao San and she was now headed for the Police Station. Her new Nokia 6230 was ruined
and did not work anymore! During the next couple of weeks, I was calling her on her friend’s mobile.

So, I was convinced by now that she was not going to hang around and wait for me while she could be going out and having lots of ‘sanuk’ in my absence. But I persisted, I couldn’t get her out of my head, I really couldn’t.
At the time I thought I might go back for Christmas and spend a week on Koh Phi Phi, (lucky we didn’t) but as things turned out, I managed to squeeze in a week in November. That would be precisely 4 weeks later! Yes, in 4 weeks I was headed
back to Bangkok again. Now I don’t know if any of you have ever stopped over in Doha, but let me tell you, it must be one of the shittiest stop-over airports in the World. I won’t bother going into details, but it really is awful.
So this time it wasn’t going to be Qatar Airways however cheap their flights were. I must say, I have flown many times to many places on many different airlines, but there’s nothing like boarding a Thai Airways flight headed for
Bangkok. There’s nothing like it… It’s SUCH a buzz!


Its early morning and I pass through customs again. This is getting quite familiar and it feels like I only just left for the weekend. I look up at the crowd searching for that killer smile again and this time she is standing there right
in front of me in her tight jeans & T-shirt. Wow! What a sight…As I approach her I get that quivery feeling you get when you’re about to start that 100 meter race back in your schooldays and my blood is rushing already. We hug again
and I absolutely love the smell of her. She intoxicates my whole system.

We grab a taxi back to her room and on the way there I notice this small circular stamp on the palm of her hand, it’s a little bit faded, but it’s clearly from a Club she’d been to the night before, so I ask her if she’d
been ‘dancing’ the night before to which she replied she hadn’t. I smile and I say no more. Well, we get to her shabby little room one more time & we both settle down to sleep in each other's arms. We are both very
tired and sleepy. Later, we head for the Big-C. This time I’m going treat her I thought. After that wonderful soup at the MK Restaurant again, we head down the escalator for that big department store where I buy her loads of goodies like
toiletries, creams, shampoo, a bathroom basket, a couple of towels and some other stuff. As we approach the electronics section, it suddenly occurred to me that she didn’t even have a TV and if I were to buy her a new one, I would gain
lots of points and so it was decided! Twenty minutes later we walk out with loads of big bags full of goodies and a brand new TV. We taxi back to her place and she is beaming with joy! Now she is all over me and after unpacking all the stuff and
taking a shower, we have a very enjoyable shag indeed (with condom, I might add)!

Later that night we head for Gulliver’s on Kao San. I wanted to see how she would react being seen with me there in front of potentially several other customers. It was agreed so we head over in a taxi. We go in and it’s really
packed in there. Loads of Thai girls and hoards of farangs. There were loads of hustling ladyboys everywhere too. We have a couple of drinks and just hang around for a while, I don’t notice anything odd but I can certainly appreciate why
she used to be down there nearly every night. We walk down Kao San and have a beer at one of those open air places when her friend walks up. We head for a cocktail bar nearby and have a few drinks with her friend. Now, I hadn’t met this
girl before, but she obviously had opinions about my tilac and gave me the impression she knew quite a bit about her but suggested, nobody really knew her that well nor what she was up to. I remember her saying something like “You never
tell your mother everything, do you?” That girl really made me think. We bid good night to her friend and head back to her room. Again, it was just too hot in that room, so we agreed that we wouldn’t be staying there for the rest
of the week.

Next day we head for Sukumvit to find a hotel. We check out Nana on Soi 4, but it was fully booked. We walk down to soi 7 or soi 9 and find a pretty nice cheap room there, I forget the name now. I dump the bag and we head out. The first thing
I want to do is head for Bumrungrad for that Blood Test, we walk there but she says she doesn’t want to go inside and begins to sulk again. I asked her why and the only reason she could give me was “I don't like hospital”.
So, we head back for soi 7 or 9 and find a Clinic there. She does the test & they give us a number to call next day.

Next we head for Soi Ruamrudee so I can tell her about this place called Goodwill. There, any girl with a basic education certificate can get free English & Business Skills classes for free, if they are motivated to do so. So, if your
girl has a real interest in learning English or whatever office skills like typing and Word and stuff like that, you might like to do the same. The website is:

Anyways, we got there but the place was closed but we picked up a leaflet and she said she would be back there with her sister. Next we head for MBK and I take her to an opticians. If she goes to classes, she will need glasses. She has a slight problem
in one eye that causes her fatigue when reading or sat at a computer screen, so she gets the tests done and they prepare her a nice set of reading glasses. Meanwhile we walk around MBK and she is continually drawn towards the Mobile Phone stalls,
I tell her I am not buying her a Mobile Phone, and explain better we go and see if we can repair the Nokia. So we head for one of those Nokia Repair shops and hand over the phone to be picked up the next day. We have something to eat, and we pick
up her new glasses. She absolutely loves them and she doesn’t want to take them off. I try to explain to her she should only use them for reading, but she doesn’t care and won’t take them off. So we head down to the street
and head back to Soi 7 on a Tuk Tuk. And there she is, her hair is getting all tangled up in her glasses and she keeps trying to untangle them one by one. It was so funny.

Later that night we go out and eat at the Beer Garden. Of course, she has “shell” and I have some delicious Prawns with Asparagus. When we eat she always puts her fork in my food and start to feed me, but when I do it to her,
she doesn’t like it. Weird? We have quite a few drinks and we end up drinking Sem Song (or is it Song Sem?) with Coke and Ice at one of those open air street bars that have sprung up on Sukumvit, opposite the Ambassador Hotel. We talk about
many things that night, she explains that last time I was with her she was always angry, and didn’t know why. I couldn’t believe it when she actually apologized for being so miserable all the time on my last trip. She even said “Sometimes,
I crazy, you know?” She greets many people that night, including one of her customers I believe. Later on she says “I want go home, see father”, “My father’s sick, you know?”, “He need medicine”
I suspected all this was just bullshit, I mean she didn’t have to say he was sick because I would have taken her upcountry anyway. I told her we could Rent a Car the next day and drive up, but stay for only one night. She looked spectacular
this night, and I will never forget the way she looked this night.

An uneventful night on the whole though but I quite enjoyed it, I quite like the way you can just sit there on the street having a few drinks and watch all those amusing characters that make up the Sukumvit freak show. Now, you can’t
do that in the Middle East! We get back to the hotel and I go for a quick shower. She then goes in herself, always locking the door behind her, as they do, but when she comes out with her towel wrapped around her, she stands there and looks at
me with an agitated forlorn expression on her face and says “I have peliod!” Poor thing, she just stood there looking so cute and charming. So, I say “Never mind, just come to bed and give me a cuddle” Again, we sleep
in each others’ arms that night and it was another wonderful night in Thailand.

So next morning we head for Lumphini one more time to pick up another car, as we enter and sit down one of the girls working there makes a point of looking at us both and on the way out says out loudly “So pee nee” <Thai word for prostituteStick>. I ask my tilac what she said, and she replies “I don’t know, she talk Japanese”. I didn’t quite get it at the time, but now when I think of it now, it’s bloody hilarious! So we pick
up her sister and head north on the skyway one more time. On the way up, she keeps trying to explain to me how important her family is to her and how much she wants to take care of them. She says “Family number one, you know?” At
first I disagree and try to explain if she is married then her duty should be to her husband surely, but she is adamant and replies “No, family always number one!”. And she says it with conviction.

Every time we stop at the first traffic lights just outside Sara Buri, we always buy those wonderful little flowers that are tied together so neatly and let them dangle off the rear view mirror. Every time! And I’m sure it’s the same kid
every time… We arrive and its late afternoon. She explains we need go to town so we can buy her father that medicine. On the way to town, the conversation is about me supporting her family, and how much money she would need to move up-country
and live in her village rather than stay in Bangkok. She continually tries to suggest that If I were to support her, she could move back and live in her village. Once there at the market I give her father a 1,000 baht note, and we leave the car
at the market. The father disappears and we walk around and buy some meat & fruit and veg. On the way back, the conversation continues about me supporting her and her family and I’m thinking “This is what I don’t want
to hear”. She really is trying to negotiate how much I should send her to support her moving back to her village and I’m think, no way I’m going to do that. No way!

We get back to her home and they start preparing the food. I’m sat there with her family and there are these two young strangers just hanging around, and just by the look of them, they are making me nervous. No, I can’t put
my finger on it, but I was getting a bit suspicious as to why they were there, and why they were sat down beside us getting seriously interested in getting drunk on Thai Whiskey and Coke. One of them could speak a bit of English and explained
that he used to work as a dancer in a Go-go bar in Pattaya. What? The other guy seemed like he was on drugs, honestly I was convinced that he was high on something, and he kept hitting down the whiskey like nobody’s business. They kept
suggesting that I should have a drink, and being who I am, if anybody tells me what to do, or keeps insisting that I should do something, I am very likely to do the exact opposite!

So I didn’t want to drink with them, I just sipped my Coke and sat there. They were talking in Thai and I couldn’t understand what they were saying but I was quite aware what was going on and it didn’t feel right. Something
was not right. Like I said, I couldn’t put my finger on it, but something was not right. Now I had all my stuff in the car like my Laptop, my Digital Camera, the cash everything, and these guys want to get me drunk, I’m thinking.
Now over the next 20 minutes, I really don’t know what happened to me but I was beginning to think that I had to get the fuck out of this situation. Suddenly, my tilac asked for the car keys as she wanted to get something from the car,
she goes to the car and picks up a couple of t-shirts and I think nothing of it, but she doesn’t come back to me to return the keys, but remains where she was preparing the food, and I am not sure if she locked the car or not. So now, I
do start thinking about it! Now, here are these guys continually suggesting that I should be drinking with them, and there are my keys in my tilac's pocket, and there are all my valuables in the car. Now, maybe I was getting paranoid or something,
but like I said, my instinct told me something was not right. My instinct told me if I stay here this night, something bad is going to happen. After 30 minutes I WAS CONVINCED that I should not be there anymore, don’t ask me why, but my
gut feeling told me to get the fuck out of there!

The car was parked by the side of the house, and my tilac was preparing the food just in front of the car on the side of the house, but at the back. Now, I get up, walk down the porch steps and ask my tilac for the keys explaining I want
to change my jeans. I put on my shoes, pick up the car keys, and walk to the car. I don’t believe what I’m about to do, but I put the car keys in the door, but it’s already open. Now I was even more convinced, I open the car
door and sit down in the driver’s seat. I don’t look at any of them, but they are all looking at me, I know it. I start the engine and I slowly reverse the car onto the other side of the house. Now at this point all the family and
my tilac included can only see the front of the car. I sit there thinking, ‘what am I doing?’ I sit there thinking ‘They will never forgive me for this’. I sit there thinking ‘I am doing the right thing’.
I sit there thinking ‘I know what I’m doing and I am convinced it’s the right thing to do’. I think ‘I will never see her again’. I turn and look over at the back seat. I see her backpack. I open the rear
door and throw out her backpack onto the gravel and shut the door.

A tear drips down my left cheek and I drive off into the night.

Stickman's thoughts:

Nail the accelerator before the gates of hell close and you can never escape!

nana plaza