Stickman Readers' Submissions December 24th, 2004

Wan’s Tits Revisited

cbd oil

Wan's Tits Revisited – One Last Time!

Well, I got back to work and all I could think of doing was plan my next trip to the Land of Smiles. I called Wan on her mobile just a few days later to apologize about what had happened at the Airport. She also apologized and we were back to normal again,
like nothing had happened. I did not call her every day and she did not make any requests for money. She was back home now in Roi Et and wasn’t working. In fact, when I met her, according to her, she had come to Bangkok for her Swiss visa
but that couldn’t really explain why she’d been waiting for the lift for 3 hours in the Ambassador lobby! She seemed quite genuine about not working now though and she even gave me her home number so I knew she wasn’t in Bangkok.
She was helping her family; preparing & cooking food for her father & uncles who were working on the rice paddies. I’m not sure if they were planting or harvesting. Can’t remember now. Anyway, I wasn’t really infatuated
by her, but I still couldn’t believe my luck, and wanted to go back as soon as I could. I told her I was planning to go back and see her in about 6 weeks. Within a fortnight of my return to work, I had already booked my flight back to Bangkok!

As the weeks passed, she began changing her story about a number of things. First of all, while I was with her, she never mentioned that she had a kid, but now she did! Secondly, as the date of my departure got nearer and after purchasing my ticket, she
explains that for two of the days during my stay she would have to go back to Roi Et, but she failed to explain why. Or rather, she was very vague about it, I think she mentioned a party or something like that, and suggested that I go with her.
But I wasn’t clear about any of it. A week before my departure, she also asked me to send her the money for a flight from Roi Et to Bangkok. I challenged her about that & questioned why she would not take the bus coz its much cheaper.
After a couple of convincing excuses she persuades me to send her sufficient for the flight, so I end up sending her 5,000 baht. The idea being that she arrives at the Airport about the same time that I was due to arrive. I could check the fares
on the on the web and I could see that a flight from Roi Et was going to land about the same time as mine. I told her about that & told her to get on that flight. That way, we could take the taxi together to the Woraburi.

mens clinic bangkok

We touch down at Don Muang and I go through customs. I walk out to the Meeting Point and hang around for a while but there’s no sign of her. I keep checking the time but it’s way past the arrival time which was supposed to be 07:00. I keep
waiting, I think something might have happened, or that she had changed her mind and perhaps wasn’t coming. At about 08:30, I start to get agitated. Finally, I go and buy a phonecard and call her on her mobile and I ask “Where are
you? I’m here waiting!” She explains that she was still in Roi Et and told me she couldn’t get a booking on any flight or they had messed up the reservation, I really don’t remember what bullshit story she came out
with now, but I was pretty pissed off. I was sure she was just making any excuse up so as to spend the money on something else. She said she was coming by bus and would be in Bangkok some time in the morning, but the next day. So I tell her I
will meet her at the Woraburi and that I will call her later with the Room number. I couldn’t believe she had done this to me. I had looked foreward so much to meeting her at the airport and taking the taxi together to the Hotel. I was
thinking about our meeting all night on that flight! Shit man! I was pissed off!

That night I bar-fined a girl from Nana Plaza & told her that my “girlfriend” was coming next day, so I asked her to leave early next morning. She got up early and left. She wasn’t very happy about that, but what could I do? I
went back to sleep and woke up around 11am. I immediately called Wan, to see where the hell she was, she was still on the bus, she said, and would be there in 2 hours, I gave her the Room Number & said “Hurry Up! I’m still waiting
for you” I could hear the cleaners coming around so I quickly took out the sheets and walked down the corridor & dumped them in the trolley and took a few clean ones. I also grabbed a couple of clean towels. I don’t think they
noticed. Then I went down to O’Brian’s to have some really nice breakfast and a Singa, and returned. When I got back the cleaners had gone. Suddenly, I realized I’d forgotten the dirty towels, so I used them to clean the bathroom
floor and shoved them on top of the Wardrobe. Just minutes later, there was a knock on the door, and there she was! All hot and flustered! She was obviously exhausted & I didn’t dare touch her at this point. I took her bag and put it
by the bed. We sat down on the bed, at a distance and started talking.

Well, it turned out that she had a number of weak excuses for not coming by plane and to be quite honest, I didn’t believe any of it. There was no question of asking for the money back, clearly it was gone already! I was really pissed off about
that the night before, but by now my frustrations had long gone, thanks to that bargirl! She went on to explain that she had to be back in Roi Et the next day explaining that her family was going to have a big party and that I was invited. Now,
having read Stickman’s submissions for the last 12 months, the warning sign were going off in my head like bright red fog lamps. She suggested that we could rent a car and drive up for the weekend, it was Thurday, and then come back on
Sunday. She said I could see them working on the rice fields. She had even brought photographs of her house, her bedroom(showing a big double bed) and photos of her half-Belgian kid. I am sure she thought that if she could seduce me once more
and get me to suck her tits again, then she might be able to convince me to drive up. I kept saying that I wasn’t sure, that I didn’t know what to do, knowing very well that there was no way I was going.

Little by little we began to smile and became affectionate once more, and suddenly I was sucking her tits again. Oh! How I had missed them! She had such beautiful nipples! Really! Never before had I enjoyed a woman’s breasts so much. We finally
stripped off and made passionate love once more. We slept for a couple of hours and then we were both hungry. She calls reception and they bring up the menu. She ordered typical Thai soup and I ordered a nice big bowl of salad and some beer. We
get down to eating on the bed. She then goes for a shower and remains in the bathroom creaming herself for what seems like hours. Then I took a shower myself, and I am sure while I was in there, she was snooping around, maybe looking for clues
to see if she could find any evidence of another woman. In fact, when I got out of the shower, she starts asking me questions about the night before, to which I replied that I had had a few beers down at the corner bar at Nana and just talked
to some Europeans. She then confronted me with the towels on top of the wordrobe and asks me “So who do these belong to?”. I told her that I didn’t know, suggesting that it was probably another hotel customer. (He he he!).
She didn’t believe me, it was written all over her face, but there was nothing she could do about it! She couldn’t actually prove anything, and I suggest she was being overly suspicious. Then, she calmed down and sat on the bed.

So the conversation continued, she begins pleading with me to go with her, trying hard to convince me that it would be so nice, that the countryside around her place is beautiful and that I could sleep in her big double bed. Her scheme was becoming clearer
and clearer to me. It was obvious to me that if I drove up, that first of all, I would be the family’s taxi driver for the week end. Maybe they wanted to deliver sacks of rice to some market, or maybe they wanted to move some furniture
to her aunts house or whatever And who was going to pay for that big party? I continued to say that I wasn’t sure, that I didn’t know what to do. I’m sure she thought, if she could only get me to drive up, then she could convince
me to stay up-country for the rest of my holiday!

We kissed again and I unrobe her towel and she lies down on the bed. She had beautifully smooth dark brown skin, and practically no hairs whatsoever. She was truly, one hundered percent, Isaan girl! We made love one more time.

She pleaded with me to go a few more times, but by now I was becoming more determined to show that, in fact, I was not going. And she knew if I wasn’t going, she would have to leave for the bus terminal soon. Finally we came to an agreement. I
said to her: “Why don’t you go back home for 2 days and then come back to Bangkok? I will give you money for the return flight and a taxi to and from the airport” So it was agreed. I gave her 6,000 baht and her face lights
up with a big smile! I was going to call her in a couple of days to tell her where I was staying so she could come back. So she packs her stuff and we say good bye.

Well, it was yet another night and nowehere to go except… guessed it, back to the Nana Plaza! But first I thought, I’’ll try the Skytrain for the first time and go to this place called the MBK. I’d seen a photo on Stickman’s
“Guess where this is?” once so I knew what it looked like. And off I go. I was pretty impressed with the Skytrain, its so high up! I walked around MBK, I bought some shirts, and a new 35mm camara lens(I forgot to haggle –
stupid). I then head back to Soi 4 on a motorbike taxi. I dump the goodies at the Hotel and back to the Nana Plaza corner bar I go. I have a few beers and just take in the Soi 4 atmosphere. Suddenly there’s a big comotion coming from the
second or third floor and everybody looks on. Apparently some Japanase guy was completely beaten up by all the BGs in one of the bars and he was rushed off bleeding. A few minutes later the boys in brown turn up & the whole place closes down.
Wow! What a sight it is on Soi 4 when that happens. I mean WHY is everybody there?

I didn’t want to sleep alone that night so I scan the crowd and find myself this short, dark girl with beautiful black hair almost down to her waist, but from her face I can tell she’s an old hand. She is just standing around. I invite her
for a few few drinks & she seems happy with that. We visit a 7-11 and buy some thai whiskey, some coke and some ice. We get to my room and I put 2,000 baht on the TV for her. We get really drunk in my room and after a shower we hit the sack.
We talk about her 3 kids and she is clearly deserate for money. When she uncovers the towels she reveals a huge scar down her front, it really blew me away and completely put me off. I said I just wanted to sleep and I nearly cried for her. Poor
girl! She wanted to please me but I just asked her to sleep with me until the morning hours. That’s all I wanted, just to breath in her hair all night. I hugged her and I must have passed out. I woke up next day to find an empty bed, an
empty wallet, and the money gone!

Next day I check into this hotel in the Silom area which had a swimming pool. I spent the whole afternoon in the swimming pool and managed to make quite a recovery. The sky was blue and it was a perfectly clear day, except for the odd cloud. I kept thinking
about that poor girl the night before, and it sadened me that she was so desperate. I didn’t care about the money, and quite frankly, if she would have asked, I might have given it to her anyway! What’s 4,000 baht to a Westerner?
The sad part is she might not even spend it on her kids, but on Yah Bah or something.

Later that evening I call Wan saying that I might come up-country after all. She said “Come, Come you like”. But then I explained that if I come she would have to give me half the money back, that is, the 3,000 baht coz she wouldn’t
need the flight back. She said she would not give me the money back! So we have an argument on the phone and I finally said “Ok, you keep the money but I need you to send me your address”. I went down to reception and asked one of
the girls for a mobile phone no. Then, I called her again to give her the number, this time she says, if you come up, you have to pay 10,000 for the party too! So that was it, I just cut her off! She never did send the address! I guess in her
eyes it was all about the money! But when a girl is working, she should be upfront about it. I mean if they tell you they are not working, and then at the last minute at the airport say “Give me some money!” What the hell do they

Well, I learnt a thing or two from Wan, and I will never forget her tits!

Stickman's thoughts:

Wan seems to be known by a few readers.

nana plaza