Stickman Readers' Submissions December 4th, 2004

Online Experiment

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Experiment one

I wanted to see what sort of interest an average looking Thai girl would attract on (a dating site).

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I posed on as a 32 year old Thai girl, using a chat friend's pic, with her permission. My chat friend is not especially good looking – average I would say. My chat friend even says "I not beautiful girl".

Then I waited. I had no lavalife credits. In THREE days and with just a little bit of Thai style English, "seem to you very nice man, all my friends like your pic…blah, blah". I also told all the guys I wanted "only friend".
They seemed to accept this quite easily.

I managed to get the following "dates":

1) Canadian guy, visiting BKK and Thailand for one month. Arriving BKK on 10th December.
2) Canadian guy, helicopter pilot (and pics to prove it), visiting for 2 weeks, December.
3) American guy working in Japan, with a good job,
a holiday home in France and a very nice sports car (and pics to prove it). Visiting in the New Year tentative date arranged.
4) American guy, living and working in BKK.
5) English guy, living and working in BKK.

I also added around 12 other guys to my MSN for casual chat, but didn't get time to follow up.

I also got "smiles" from around 10 other guys, mostly Canadian, one German, one Swede and one poor sod from UK. I never followed up on any of these, due to lack of time.

I also got contacted by about 4 young Thai men in BKK, but didn't reply to their messages as I wasn't sure I could convince them I was Thai.

Just before I deleted the profile I wrote and told the guys I wasn't going to be available after all.

Not bad for three days without even trying – I was probably actually online for no more than three hours (one hour per day).

When I told my chat friend the results she went off to join Lavalife immediately! 🙂 She seems to be having quite the time of it there!

Experiment 2

For comparative purposes….

Me on I posed as myself, 42 year old, divorced, average looking, bald. I stated I was coming to Thailand in the New Year for 6 months. My job and salary given were my real ones.

In 3 days, again at one hour per day online, and by pasting a standard letter, I managed to arrange to meet up with 7 Thai females in the age range 25 – 35. Looks varied from not bad to absolute stunner. I also had about another dozen or so contacts that I didn't get time to follow up on.

All appeared to have good, solid jobs and either had their own apartments or lived at home with parents. Although difficult to prove this.

I then subsequently wrote to the ladies saying I was unable to come and deleted my profile.


I think this shows just how easy it is to fix up dates with Thai girls online and how willingly Thai girls have embraced on-line dating…not to mention Canadians.. who seem to be all over the place!! 😀

Imagine what could have been achieved over one month! Of course these meetings may very well have led nowhere…but then again who knows? Even if 20% had turned out to be successful I would have had quite a busy time of it in BKK.

I think I would say…guys…if you think you are the only one she is sending her sweet nothings to….think again!!

It just goes to show…if you are on the ground in BKK…you are going to "SCORE FOR SURE" (TM)

Stickman's thoughts:

Yes, online is where it is at to met Thai women, BUT, every man and his dog is doing it now…and there are only a limited number of Thai women online.

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