Stickman Readers' Submissions December 8th, 2004

Love In Phuket

By Oxford Student

After months of reading horror stories from your readers on your site, I finally decided to write you and tell you my story. It’s not a horror story, at least not yet, but I do need some advice on what to do. About 5 months ago I got on a plane
and touched down in Phuket, Thailand. I took a TEFL course from one of the many TEFL schools on the island, and afterwards I stuck around for another month relaxing while I looked for work.

I met May, a beautiful 24-year-old Thai girl on Patong Beach. It was about 3 in the morning, and I was walking along the beach after refusing to go to bed with one of the local bar girls. After failing to bargain the tuk-tuk driver down to 200 baht to
get me back home to Phuket Town, I decided to take a stroll to see if I could bargain with another. I was walking along the strip when this beautiful girl rides up on her motorbike. She starts kissing me and insists on taking me back to her place.
katoey alert hereStick> I wasn’t sure if she was a prostitute or not, so I ask “how much?” She just shakes her head no and keeps smiling at me. I finally get on and we go up to her guesthouse
and have the most amazing sex of my life. And get this: she refuses to let me wear a condom. Stupid, I know, but I find out later that everything is free and clear. Anyway, we spend the next day together having the greatest time, and when I go,
she doesn’t ask me for any money. A few days later, I give her a call and this time we spend about 3 days together. This time she does ask for money, but she doesn’t tell me how much. “Whatever you want,” she says.
I only had about 300 baht on me, so I give that to her and she seems pleased.

He Clinic Bangkok

I then fly to Koh Samui for 10 days. But before I go, she tells me that she loves me. This is a bit disturbing, since we’ve only known each other for about 10 days. I tell her that I love her too, although I don’t mean it at the time. I
try to forget about May, but I really can’t. So I fly back and spend another week with her. When I see her, I notice that her gold necklace is missing. When I ask her about it, she tells me that she sold it for money to send back home to
Chiang Mai. Her parents are quite old, and her mother is very sick. I spend the night with her, and then I tell her that I need to spend the day shopping for some friends and family before I go off to South Korea to work. So I don’t see
her that day or that night. At about three in the morning, I stop by her guesthouse and the receptionist tells me that she’s not there. So I walk down the street, and see her riding up with some guy on her motorbike. I quickly hide in the
bushes, race back to my hotel room and call her cell. She says that she’s “sleeping” and won’t be available for an hour. When I tell her what I saw, she emphatically denies it. I wait an hour, then go up to her room.
She tells me that they didn’t have sex, because he refused to pay her. So she kicked him to the curb. I inspect the room for evidence (condom wrapper, smelly bed sheets, toilet seat up, etc.). Not finding any, I decide that I believe her.
We have sex straightaway, and she’s all for it, which makes me believe her even more, since she’s usually sore for a couple of hours afterwards.

We spend the rest of the week together: going out to clubs, bars, walking on the beach, sleeping, etc., and have a great time. The only time she really pissed me off was when we went to a bar with some of her friends and they all ordered drinks. They
were about to pay, when May told them to put their money away and made me pay. I guess the farang pays for everything, no matter what.

Now you’re probably thinking that this is the beginning of a horror story, but it’s not. It gets better. The next day we go to Wat Chalong, about an hour away. I watch her as she goes inside this huge Buddhist temple, and I sit behind her
as she prays with a monk. This was really cool, and I don’t think she would let just anybody watch her do this. <Oh yes she does….. – Stick> Anyway, we get back to Patong and we start to spend a
lot more time together. She shows me all the best (and cheap) places to eat, we sleep together and walk on the beach. I witness her telling some of her friends to go to hell so she could spend more time alone with me. A few days before I was scheduled
to leave for Korea, we realize that we’re madly in love. But I leave for Korea anyway, because I had already signed a contract, and the money is very good. It’s not so good in Thailand. She desperately tries to get me to stay, but
eventually I leave, promising to return. I give her 3,000 baht, and I leave.

When I get to Korea, I start calling her every few days, and then almost every day. And the funny thing is, we start talking. We talk about everything, including the future. She says that she’s told her family and her sisters about me, and wants
me to meet her family as soon as I’m done with my year in Korea. About a month later I get a 5 day vacation from hagwon (means language institute in Korean – Stick) hell, and I fly down to Phuket to see
her. She’s sold her gold jewelry so that she doesn’t have to “go with man” and has a present for me: some really nice khakis and a matching collared shirt. I’m amazed by this, and we spend the next 5 days in
each other’s arms. When we’re with each other, she doesn’t look at anyone else, and she doesn’t even want to go dancing or to bars. She just wants to be alone with me. We spend 2 days in Phi-Phi, and the rest mainly
in her room or at local restaurants because of the constant rain. When I finally leave she’s almost in tears, and wants to come to Korea with me. I leave her 14,000 baht to go to Bangkok and get a passport so she can come and see me, and
then I leave to go back to Korea.

CBD bangkok

I call her a few days later and she tells me that she can’t go to Bangkok because her sister called and asked her to send 5,000 baht to their mother, which she does. So I send her some more money to go get a passport, which she does. But then I
realize that it will probably cost about 30,000 baht to get her over here to Korea, and after all, what the hell would she do here all day while I’m at work? So I give her an ultimatum. If she wants to stay with me, then she has to move
out of her guesthouse and get a job. It takes her about a month to move out of her guesthouse (her rent is now only 5,000 baht), but she immediately begins working at a restaurant. She hates it, but she does it because she wants to stay with me.
She earns 5,000 baht per month not including tips. I also tell her that I can’t call her as much because my phone bills are out of control So she starts calling me so she can talk with me. I give her 10,000 baht per month for rent, etc.,
and I’m going down there again in February. We talk on the phone nearly every day, and lately she’s been crying a lot because she misses me so much.

We do genuinely love each other, and our trust in each other has grown. It was a bit rocky at first (calling at 3 or 4 in the morning just to make sure that she’s not sleeping around – although she would do the same to me), and although
it’s gotten better, I still worry about her being faithful to me, despite her promise not to “go with a man.”

So, what do I do now? After my stint in Korea, I will probably go back to Thailand to work because I enjoyed my time there so much. And we are very much in love. And she’s sacrificed a lot, moving to a cheaper place, getting a job even though she
hates it, and I would hate for this to end because we have a great time together and love each other. We’ve even talked about marriage and children in our future. But I do hate giving her 10,000 baht per month and not being able to entirely
trust her. If you’ve read this far, I thank you. Any advice from you is appreciated, and if you post this, any advice from your readers is also appreciated. Thank you.

Stickman's thoughts:

wonderland clinic

Where there is no trust, there can be no relationship….and frankly, this girl does not sound that trustworthy. Get her back up to Chiang Mai and the trust factor should increase. Oh, and the cynic in me said you found no condom wrapper after the other fellow because…..she never used one!

nana plaza