Stickman Readers' Submissions November 18th, 2004

Internet Dating And Scuba Diving in Thailand

cbd oil

This is just another falang story about a first time trip to Thailand. The only difference is that it touches on a couple of items that are rarely discussed on this site, those being Thai internet dating agencies and scuba diving.

I was a newbie to Thailand but I had traveled and worked throughout South America and parts of West Africa prior to my trip to the land of sirens. From reading this web site I was convinced I would be beaten and robbed prior to making it to my hotel room
in BKK. I was also convinced that the Grand Palace never closes and the Tuk-Tuk dude was going to send me to hell for 50 baht. Well I did make it to the hotel and the guys with the big guns at the gate of the Grand Palace assured me that the Palace
was closed until noon since Buddha was coming in the morning. Based on my entire trip, my impressions are that Thailand is an easy country to get around in for a foreigner and that most of the people are very friendly and helpful. The dangers
may be there, but they are a lot easier to avoid then in many other countries.

mens clinic bangkok

I shortly learned that everyone is a booking agent in Thailand and if you go there without a hotel booked someone can help you out pretty quick. The only problem would be if you wanted to change your plans because there is no refund.

In regard to scuba diving in Thailand, there is great diving off of Phi Phi. You can hit the best dive spots in about 3 days and it’s not worth staying much longer unless you enjoy crowded tourist areas. The Similian Islands do not close to diving
in the wet season. The park is closed and the visitor center is not open, but you can still catch a livaboard from one of the shops out of Khoa Lak and spend several days diving in this area. Great diving! In fact, none of islands close to diving
during the low season and if you can find a boat you can go.

Internet Thai dating has been an interesting experience for me and one of the reasons I finally made a trip to this part of the planet. Just do a search for Thai brides and about a dozen sites come up. They all show pictures of beautiful Thai ladies who
want to email you and have a serious relationship leading to marriage. They say they don’t care if your age is anywhere from thirty to eighty, that’s just fine with them. Most of them say they speak English and have a college or
university degree. Sounds pretty good to an introverted engineer that lives out in the boonies with little if any outside contact. So what the hell, sign me up, here’s that credit card number you want, I need a woman around this place.
Now the lesson begins…..

As a “member”, I write like crazy every night to these beauties that are just over there waiting to hear from me. The company assures me that all my emails are being forwarded to the ladies. After about 4 months, I finally get one reply.
Wow, I was excited. The Thai lady wrote me about how excited she was to meet me and how much she loved me already. It kind of looked like a form letter. I wrote to the agency and they told me that many ladies do not like to write but assured me
that if I came to Bangkok I could meet as many of the ladies as I wanted. Well I do not give up easy and there is great diving and beaches in Thailand, so off to Bangkok I go.

The agency did what they said they would do. I met as many Thai ladies as I wanted to. Most of them were ladies that I had written to. I took several of them out on dates. They were all very sweet. Most had stories about fathers abandoning their mothers
shortly after they were born. I had a great time with all the ladies I went out with and quickly learned why they do not write emails. First they work there asses off for 10 to 12 hours a day, six days a week, they do not have computers at home
like most westerners do, and English is a second language for them. So it is a major hassle for them. The company is also forwarding them lots of email from people who usually do not ever come to Thailand. Lesson one, these ladies are not going
to send you email until you have met them in person.

Now comes the best part. I decide I have had enough of BKK for a while and its time to see some other parts of Thailand. I had not met Mrs. right yet, but I had time. The company tells me that one of the ladies I wanted to meet lives in this other town,
I’ll call her M. Great I will meet M there. I spoke to M over the phone and she sounded as nice as any of the other Thai woman I had already met. I met up my cousin at this other town prior to meeting M. My cus and me go to the airport
and pick her up with her friend. M had told me that she would bring cus a friend too.

Well we had a great time with the two ladies for about five days. It was nothing but fun and love. Then they have to go back to work and agree to meet us again the following weekend. More fun and more love, no stress just a great time. By now the little
head has taken over and is driving the boat.

M and friend then have to leave and me a cus head out to sea. I agree to meet back up with M in BKK after we got back from our trip. Well the ladies drop us off and disappear into the pouring rain. M is driving like she had never driven before (she told
me she knew how to drive and it was her rental car). Prior to her departure, I had given M 16,000 Baht to pay for her airline ticket to come see me the second time. Well me and cus get us a bottle of Sam Song and wait for the truck to take us
to the boat. As we are leaving the pier I get a phone call from M saying she ran over a Muslim and they were taking her to jail. Then the phone goes dead.
She calls me back and says the guy only has a broken leg but she is having a
hard time with the cops and the Muslim. The connection then dies and we lose all contact. Oh shit, the future Mrs. is in jail and I am headed out to sea. Like the drunken fool I am, I figure that she is 30 and is Thai, they can’t throw
her in jail just for breaking a leg.

Five days later I get a call through to M after coming back to dry land. M is now in another country working hard. She tells me she had to pay the Muslim 20,000 baht and they let her leave. Is this the usual scenario for hitting a pedestrian in Thailand?
Then M tells me she will meet me back in BKK in a couple of days. Cus leaves for home and I am back in BKK. M sends her friend over to keep me out of the bars for 2 nights. M’s friend calls me every day and we go out and have plutonic fun.
M finally shows up in BKK. For the next 2 days all hell breaks loose. On the first night M accuses me of sleeping with her friend. She throws things around the room and has a general fit for about 3 hours. Following the fit she calls her friend
and they talk until about 3 am. Lots of laughing.

The next day we wake up about 9am and go shopping. It reminded me of the many stories I had read on this web site. M took me from store to store and we picked up all little items she needed. We then went and paid her cell phone bill and bought her another
airline ticket. During the day M informs me that I need to give her Mum $100,000US and pay her $5,000US per month if I want to marry her. I inform M that while I do make decent money I will need to get a bank loan to pay Mum and that the $5,000
per month is going to be tough during the times I don’t have it. This pisses her off and she has some more fits. Now I am thinking, I heard of this dowry thing but is $100,000 realistic? I told her she was worth more than a million dollars
but I just did not have that kind of money readily available. More fighting. <This is an OUTRAGEOUS requestStick>

We go out that night and have another great time. We get back to the hotel room and fight some more about money and then make love. M gets back on the phone later that night and talks until 3 am; she is only speaking Thai and tells me she is talking to
her friend again. Lots of laughing. We wake up at 9:30 am and M them asks me if we are going to the Embassy as planned to submit her visa application. I inform M that it is too late for that. They stop accepting applications at 9am. Another fit
begins, more projectiles, and further crying and freaking out. At this point I have had enough but M has to catch a flight to go back to work so I try to remain calm knowing that she will be gone soon enough. We fight all the way to the airport.
Once she is about to leave she suddenly calms down and becomes all sweet again. M tells me how much she loves me and can not wait to see me again. Perhaps she is bi-polar. I don’t know, but I was in that place between heaven and hell during
the last couple of days and I did not know what to say.

We make plans to meet up again before I have to leave for home and then she is gone. After she arrives back to work in this other country she starts to call me every hour on the hour all night long. She tells me how the money thing is not that important
she will work and we can pay off Mom together. She keeps telling me how much she loves me and that I need to fly to this other country to be with her until I have to leave. Now I think this lady is nuts. I finally decide I need a break from M.
I better leave BKK anyway since my supplies of cash had evaporated since I met up with M. I tell her I have to leave and get back home. M is not happy.

Sounds a lot like some of the bar girl stories you read on this site doesn’t it? My big head is still spinning. I am emailing M now and I called her once. It was pretty easy to forget all the BS and only remember the fun parts. She emails me back
and can write pretty well. I am torn. Perhaps I should have just gone to Pattaya and taken my chances on finding a nice lady there in the bar crowd. I do not know if I have been lied to or not.

Perhaps M was just excited and could not control her emotions.

I do know one thing and that is that I will be back.

Stickman's thoughts:

Tell M where to go…any woman who freaks out and throws things like she did just ain't worth it…

nana plaza