Hard To Say Part 1
How are bar girls viewed by other Thai women? Is it considered normal for Thai men to visit prostitutes? Does not it bother Thai men their women are sleeping with Farangs? I got these interesting questions (and more) from one of the Stickman’s readers. I should let you know a little bit more about my background, before I open my mouth. As I told you in the prior article (My Story – Thai Talk), I like to going out. Everybody has a different way to relax. Some might like to be at home, spa or fitness center, but my relaxing was enjoying nightlife. The first time I knew Bangkok nightlife, I was about fourteen turning fifteen. My dad had a cocktail lounge business. I went there Friday and Saturday night at least once a month, my mom did not like me to be in that environment, though. By that time for the fourteen year old girl, I had an exciting moment being in the dark place, drank pops as much as I wanted, and ate some food that they were hard to be cooked at home. I hung out with my dad and his friends until the business had to be closed. During that time, I had been taught a lot of things girl should know from my dad, his friends and some girls who worked for my dad.
After my eighteenth birthday, I was very ready to hang out with my own friends, they are all naughty boys. I had been to many places that good Thai girls should not be. If you have studied about Thai culture, you will know what “a proper Thai girl” should be. I was not close to those words, but I was not a gangster, neither were my friends. I will also tell you that during this time I had not had a boyfriend yet. It would be several years before I had my first boyfriend. (Nobody wants to get to know a girl who comes to the pub with six boys.) Drinking, smoking and getting girl were missions for them. I do not drink or wanted any girls, so hanging out with them was fun enough for me. I could wait if some of them wanted to have a private time with the bar girls.
One time, my friends and I went to the British Pub in Sukumvit soi 12. We met three good looking girls. We walked them back to their cars after the pub. One drives Mercedez, the other two drive BMWs. Nothing close to the word “bar girl and prostitute”. My friend found out later that they are working at a big massaging place on Ratchada Road as massagers. That was sad a little bit for my friends, but not too long, they end up to be friends and temporary customers. 😉 Non of my friends wanted to be those girl’s boyfriend, but they willing to pay for a happy time with those girls.
Sometimes I saw bar girls came to the same British Pub with their Farangs customers and gave me a weird look, well, that was bothering me, but most of the time I just ignored them. For me, I really do not care what are they do for living, as long as they are not crossing my line. In my grandmother and my mom generations, prostitution was something that was so wrong and shameful. In my generation, prostitutes are everywhere, even colleges. Prostitution is the best shortcut for lazy and materialism. There are many things for them to do for living, but it is a hard working job. Prostitutes is fun and easy. I liked those three girls because they know how to use their body and brain at the same time.
The heart broken stories between foreigners and Thai bar girls in Stickman make me feel good and bad at the same time. The good feeling is I can feel the rich of love that Farangs give to the Thai bar girls. The bad feeling is the girls never feel the love, but the rich of money. I do not know how other millions Thai women think about bar girls. It is hard to say how they think and how they feel. In my small world, I do not have any problem with bar girls. For other Thai women that hate bar girl so much, I think they might jealous because their husband and boyfriend like to spend time with bar girls more than them.. It is very normal for me to see Thai men visiting prostitutes, especially, massaging places on Ratchada Road. Local guys and visitors are hanging out at different places. And I do not think that it does bother Thai men to see Thai women sleeping with Farangs, as long as the girls are not his girlfriend.
I am very thankful for every encouragment I have got from the last posting. There are a lot more than I thought. And again, all comments are welcome.
Take care
Stickman's thoughts:
Too busy to comment.