Stickman Readers' Submissions April 19th, 2004

The Best Laid Plans

cbd oil

I recently returned from my first trip to Thailand and despite reading all the warnings here about bar girls, I have gotten involved with one.

mens clinic bangkok

I met her in a bar in Pattaya. I walked past her and stopped dead in my tracks. She had the sexiest butt I had ever seen. I stood next to her, too shy to say anything, and she ignored me. She waved her hand for me to go inside the bar in such a way that I stormed off in a foul mood. Bloody stuck up bitch!

After a couple of hours bar hopping, I ended up back at this bar and she was still there. She seemed friendlier and invited me to sit with a smile. I immediately asked her to go to my room before my mates could get a chance at her. She readily agreed. No taxi, she had her own motorbike. The thrill of riding a motorbike, behind a beautiful girl, in Asia for a 45 year old like me was sensational.

The sex was ok, nothing special but the body was unbelievable. I paid her and out she went.

My friend asked me two days latter if he could see her. I said, "why are you asking me? She is not mine, she is a bargirl. Go for your life."

We went to her bar that night and she recognised me. I introduced my friend and said he wanted to see her. She smiled and we entered the bar and bought some beer. She was nice and cosy with my friend and I was thinking of this short cutie I saw a couple of nights ago. I looked at my friend and the girl and she was looking at me. I smiled; she smiled. I looked away. Again, I looked and she was staring at me. Smile, smile. What's going on here? She was ignoring my friend after starting out with her hand on his knee. She leaned over and said, "why you no like me?"

"I do like you but my friend wants to see you."

"I don't like your friend, I like you."

"Ok but he is very rich and I am very poor, you better with him."

"Why you no like me?"

At this point, my friend decided to get rid of me as he is not a fool and could see where this was heading. Personally I was flattered that this babe liked me and rejected my friend. Great ego boost.

Anyway, my friend tells her that he is taking me to another bar to find a girl for me. Her face turned to stone and she wouldn't look at me. We left and at the very next bar a girl ambushed my friend and we started playing pool. I was thinking of the babe. I went back and asked her again to go with my friend.

"Why you go to other bar?"

"To play pool. Want to come and play too?"

"I want be with you, not your friend."

"Ok ok. I will take you."

I then spent the next 10 days and nights with this gorgeous woman. She didn't ask for money except for the bar fine, 10 days worth. She was smarter than that.

"Darling, I need new jeans." "Darling, I need my hair done." "Darling, I need new phone." etc etc. I didn't mind. I was happy just being with her.

After a few days of bliss, she tells me that she must go back to bar and work as she needs money to go back to the country to see her father and son. Naturally, against all the great advice I read here, I readily told her not to worry, I will give her the cash.

As the days pasted, I began to feel things for this girl. One night, overcome with desire, and grog, I told her I loved her. She sat upright and got upset.

"I no love you. I never love again after what first boyfriend do to me. I will take 2/3 years to see if I love somebody." That saddened me but also pleased me. Her honesty meant she really liked me and wasn't out to con me. I think? Anyway, I had a great time with her. I was now the driver of the bike with her behind me, singing in my ear.

I then do the unthinkable. I ask her how much money she needs to stop working in bar, after 2/3 seconds, a flat 20,000 baht. Ok says I. I will look after you. The shame, the shame. I am now committed. I didn't want to be. I tried my best to get her with my friend, at the beginning anyway. I didn't want to get involved.

Now I am back home, talking to her every day. Now she says she loves me. That makes me suspicious big time. The trouble is, I tend to believe she is genuine by certain things she has done.

I am now on a roller coaster of emotions that is tearing me up. Firstly elation that I have such a beautiful creature interested in me and waiting for me to return. Then I read some letters here and see the same tactics used by her in those letters. Typical BG stuff. I am totally confused. I should lose contact with her and forget her but the old "what if?" keeps popping in my brain.

Anyway, I think I am in it for the ride and where ever it takes me must be better than the life I am leading now. Back to Thailand in 3 months. I can't wait.

Stickman says:

Another one on the roller coaster. Enjoy the ride!

nana plaza