Stickman Readers' Submissions October 26th, 2003

Time To Boycott Nana Plaza

cbd oil

Last night on the occasion of our anniversary, the Mrs. and I went out on the town and started at Nana Plaza. Is this a great country or what when you can take your wife out to bars and ogle nude women on your anniversary? We started at Spankys where we have some friends and were happy to find the price of a beer was still 90 baht. Then the bad part… We started to go into G Spot but remembering Stick's other columns asked what the price of a beer was… the answer 130 baht. That's right 130 baht!!! They were not dancing nude or topless the short time we were there. Declining to be ripped off we beat a hasty retreat.

Next we went to Rainbow II and asked the same question??? Answer 125 baht, there too NOT topless or nude!! Continuing on our quest for a reasonably priced bar we tried Voodoo, there again 125 baht. No topless, no nude. Giving it one last try on our way out of Nana we tried Lollipop and again the outrageous price 125 baht. So we ended our night at Nana and for me I will not return until the drink prices return to some kind of reasonable level and I will explain why in a minute.

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Disappointed we took a short cab ride to Soi Cowboy and things started looking up. We started at that old standby Tilac Bar and found prices a little better at 110 baht. The quality of the girls in Cowboy used to be not quite up to "Pong" or "Nana" standards but at this time things are looking much better. In Tilac there were several very good lookers and many of the "larger" girls have disappeared. Next headed down the street to Sheba's and were pleasantly surprised to enter in the middle of a two girl "show". The place was packed with only a few seats left right next to the dancers. After the show the "normal" set of dancers took to the stage, ALL the dancers totally nude. In Sheba's the staff used to be in the lower half of the beauty scale but I am happy to report that at this time there were several superstars and the others were pretty good also, all for 110 baht a beer.

Dollhouse was our next stop and while they were not nude they were wearing small semi-transparent very short gauze type coverings that left nothing to the imagination. Dollhouse has the reputation of having very good looking girls and that still holds true at this time for 110 baht. Our final stop of the night brought us to Larry's Midnite Bar and it was the best stop all night. Inside Midnite we found that the quality of the dancers has vastly improved with 4 or 5 real superstars. If you like large breasted girls that are not fat then this is the place to go. The dancers vary with totally nude, topless and a few wearing bikinis with the majority totally nude. It was the dancers attitudes that had the place full to the rafters with standing room only. The dancers were all smiling and flirting with the customers and there wasn't a pole hugger in sight. I don't know how he does it but in all Larry's bars you get that same very happy to be here attitude emanating from his girls. He is always out scouting talent from outer bars and pays better than most and the result is a nice collection of good lookers now at "Midnight'. While there couldn't fail to notice that several "former Pong only" guys were now hanging out at Midnite Bar. The best news all for 90 baht a beer!!!!

This brings me back to boycotting Nana. Why would anyone pay 130 baht for a beer while watching bikini clad dancers of no greater beauty than they could see performing shows and dancing nude for 90-110 baht at Soi Cowboy? In the past the girls were much better looking at Nana and the area had most of the nude dancing, but now Soi Cowboy offers girls of the same beauty dancing totally nude for a far more reasonable price while Nana is shooting itself in the foot with their outrageous prices. While I prefer "the Pong" because I meet my friends there and the price has remained 90 baht for a long time now if I were to find myself back on the trail of some female company I would be heading for Soi Cowboy with my first stop being Midnite Bar and giving Nana the miss for now.

Stickman says:

It's funny that you should write this submission as in this week's weekly column I wrote a similar piece! I still maintain that the girls in Nana are a bit better looking but yeah, 125 baht for a small Heineken is too much – too much to the point that I will go there very seldom indeed.

nana plaza