Stickman Readers' Submissions October 21st, 2003

The Love For Thailand And The Nightlife Part 2

cbd oil

First of all sorry to all the people who had to wait this long for my promised trip report of my last holiday (4 months ago). Blame it on me being lazy, busy at work and not in the mood to write up a report. But anyway here it is finally. All of the other readers checking this out and want to know more check out my previous submission. (Yeah I want my stuff to be read?)

March 2003 on an early morning I arrived at Bangkok international airport ready for my fourth holiday in my favourite country again. The gentle walk trough passport control, picking up my baggage at customs, I arrive in the arrivals hall. Ok, the first thing is to call my American friend I met on a previous trip, who lives in Bangkok, to tell him I had landed. I had emailed him to tell of my arrival before. He was looking forward to it and asked me to give him a call. I grab my cell phone, rang his number, let it ring a couple of minutes but there is no answer. Well no problem I call him back later. First of all, I must grab myself an ice cold Singha before I get down to my hotel. While sitting there I notice a group of Dutch, first time tourists. I listen to what the guide is telling / informing the all new first time visitors to the land of smiles. I always find it interesting to listen to those guys. You never know if he’ll tell something you don’t already know after tree trips, but more to hear something whether he is giving a bit of false info or not. For example, he said that you would need about 4000 baht a day to go around. Ok it’s easy but I think you can do with a lot less money certainly on an organised trip. Also he was discouraging people from eating out on the street, which to me everybody should try at least once. It’s great food for such a low price. I have never been sick or ill from eating food from the street. At some moment I wanted to interrupt the guide and entertain his group with my findings but, hell, that’s there problem not mine. Let’s get to my hotel and start my two weeks holiday. I walk outside the airport building, flag down a taxi and tell him to take me straight to Sukhumvit Road. After an hour drive (traffic was hell), I arrive at destination and I check in at Crown Hotel on soi 8. This hotel is not too expensive, girl- or should I say guest-friendly, decent, comfortable rooms and clean. The only thing is that I guess it is more something of a short time hotel! The first time you see the room, with the mirror on the ceiling and on the wall, you cannot avoid thinking so.

mens clinic bangkok

One night I was sitting in a bar waiting for a girlfriend, I had arranged a meeting with after she finished work. Let’s call her “Sally”, not her real name. She was somebody I knew from my pervious trip and had a very good time with her back then. So I kept in touch with her so I could meet her again on this holiday. We had agreed she would come to the bar around 11pm and I was half an hour early. The clock reached 11.30, no girl, 12 pm, still no girl. I went wondering what might have happened or if she would still arrive. You can imagine that when you’re a single male waiting in a bar full of pretty girls, you go away thinking what a dumb idea that was. You’re in Thailand, right? Who waits for a girl that long? Ok one more game of pool, one more drink and the clock is telling me its 1am but still no girl. This waiting is getting on my nerves and I am getting pretty bored of it. Finally there’s a call at the bar. I’m called to the phone to hear, it’s my girl. She says she is too tired to come over and meet me because she had to work overtime. I complain that I have been waiting for over three hours and that I really wanted to see her. To make matters worse I had been waiting 3 days already to get in contact with her. No talking over she insist that she goes straight home but promised me to meet me the next morning. Ok no date for tonight and feeling pretty upset from what just happened I start walking back to my hotel.

Now not far from my hotel there’s a little bar I visited regularly also. In that bar works Noi (not her real name). I have also been friendly with over the past days. They had just finished closing the bar and they would now go to eat and have a drink afterwards. I was invited to join the group. I thought I could use some company to put my mind at ease and have a little fun. The night turns out to be great fun and after a lot of drinks I end up with Noi alone. Some more drinks come into play and a good time is spent. We both get drunk and we stumble towards home. At some point we both decide that the girl would stay at my room until the next morning. Result: 5 am in my room, two hours or so some bed Olympics and then off to sleep.

10 am someone is knocking on my door. Shit, who the hell could that be? I hope that’s not the girl I knew from my previous trip (Sally). Again I hear knocking on my door. I manage to get myself out of bed. Still half asleep and a bit of a hangover I walk towards the door. Guess who was knocking on my door? Yes there she stood Sally right in front of me!! Shit she did keep her promise and did show up at my hotel. I honestly confess what happened last night and tell her that there’s another girl in my room. She turns a bit angry but I think she was now disappointed by the fact I was cheating on her. She runs away with tears in her eyes. Still not feeling awake I turn back to bed to sleep some more. I would deal with the problem later on that day.

Now this was the second time that Girl A caught me with some other girl company. First time was the third day of my stay. The previous night out I was stupid enough to take a girl from a bar I frequently visited. The next morning as I am walking the girl out to send her home, Sally is coming into the hotel. Nothing happens, as I explained to her what had happened and she decides to forgive me. The girl gets paid and I spent the rest of the day with Sally. incidentally, I had a great time.

I never had the experience of getting caught with another girl but I must tell you, it is funny. Maybe I was lucky the situation did not turn out bad. No fights took place, no cursing or shouting, the only thing that happened was we talked it over, nice and smooth. So one week of my trip and already two times I got caught cheating. Later I would find out there was one more time coming up in the second week. That story follows later on in this report. I think my “being a good falang days” are over. From this moment its time to make my Thailand trips into “butterfly” tours. Not that I like it that way, but in Thailand, things change quick before you know it.

Have you ever had the pleasure of taking a Bg out? Yes we all did I suppose. But have you also had the pleasure of taking out a Bg who just works a few days in the scene. Well I had and it was a great night. Ever seen a new shy Bg’s reaction when entering a gogo bar for her first time? I must tell you the way her eyes popped out when seeing al the naked girls on stage dancing and flirting, is worth a picture. Then when she saw a sex-show she totally went nuts. Must say she was feeling quite uncomfortable while being there. This was totally beyond her reach of understanding. Oh no, I did not force her into seeing this but she asked for it. When I took her out we decided to go for a meal. We spent a relaxing night just enjoying a few beers and some food. The girl barely spoke English and my Thai is limited to only a few words. But together with my American friend and his girlfriend things worked out fine. Suddenly, after dinner the newly fresh Bg wonders if she could see a Go go-bar. She had heard all those weird stories’s about it but now was curious to find out for her self. We are always happy to please those sweet ladies and arrangements are made. We decide to enter Nana Plaza and we settle our self in one of the top floor bars there. My, oh my, you should have seen the look on her face. If she wasn’t Thai you could say she was an amazed first time falang. I bet the next day she had some story to tell to her friends.

A few days later I went back to her bar to find her again. You should have seen the look on her face as I am entering her Bar. A big smile from ear to ear and jumping up and down fulfilled of happiness. She could not belief her eyes as I stood there and had come to see her once again. She runs over to me and gives me a hug and a big kiss. Still not believing it We went back to the go gobar and now she was more relaxed. She was nice and sweet, young and innocent, not harden yet at all and probably not much defence ready for the cruel world of the bar scene. Her English was very limited but we managed just fine the two of us. I was speaking pidgin English and using my hands and feet with every word. She patiently took the time to try and understand it all. Luckily she had a phrase book to look up some words. We ended up playing pool and had a few more drinks. She was great company to be with and although nothing happened in the room, I never felt that I was paying a barfine for nothing. An angel and I hope she still manage to only go out with the decent visitors who take care and respect her, treat her like a person. I wish her all the best of luck in her future life. Hope she doesn’t have to work to long in the bar scene.

We all know about the many scams pulled upon us by the Thais people, don’t we? I also have been the victim of scams in Thailand many times. Mostly because of me being naïve and not knowing what is going on. But after a few trips you learn what to look out for and how to deal the situation. In most cases it is enough to use your common sense to avoid them. But we are the farangs and some people will never learn that things are not the same as in your home country when in Thailand. We have the money and they are the poor ones so I could not blame them for trying to get a bit more from us then expected. After all we are the stupid farangs right? We all have to survive and everybody has to make a living. I do find it a sad thing but hey that’s live.

I also know that many Thai people are genuinely honest human beings happy to help you whenever asked for. For example on one of my previous trips I went out to get my laundry done in one of those small laundry shops. A few hours later I went back to pick up my washed stuff and returned to my hotel room to put it back in my baggage. The next day Sally and I left for Chiang Mai for some trekking and hiking. When in Chiang Mai I notice that there is one jeans missing from my baggage. Maybe I left it at the hotel where I came from, in Bangkok? No can’t be as I always check the room twice before checking out of a hotel. The room was empty. Stolen from my bag? Euhm, I don’t think so, as I kept it with me all the time even on the bus. Ok, one jeans missing but I won’t let that spoil my holiday. After all it was only a jeans I bought for 200 baht from a street vendor in Bangkok. A few days later I returned to Bangkok. As I walk around in search for food and a beer, I pass by that same laundry shop. The girl standing outside notices me and calls me over. I am thinking what’s wrong now. So I step over and ask ‘what’s the problem?’ She says I have something for you. I look confused not knowing what she might have for me. I don’t even know her nor have any memories of her. Three seconds later the girl returns holding my jeans in her hands. She apologies for she had forgot to store it with the rest the previous time. If that isn’t honest I don’t know what is. She could have kept it for her own use or she could have sold it. On my part I did not think about the jeans when she called me over. I was almost forgotten it and went on to enjoy my holiday.

Let me tell you some more about Noi. She was working in the bar near my hotel. The first time I entered that bar was at late night returning from an evening walk around the neighbourhood. It was just after 2 am and I wanted one more beer before I was of to sleep. They were just about to close their door as I walked in and asked if I could have a drink. The guy in there let me in and served me my beer. He was a funny guy really and I got to know him a bit better during my visits after that night. He was gay you could tell that from a far. He had this female way of walking and doing things. It was funny to hear him talking, not like a man would talk but more like a female. I told him some jokes about gay and he just laughed at it. He could take a joke without getting annoyed, a nice fellow to say the least.

The next day I stop by the bar again and there is Noi sitting next to me at the bar. Well next to me means just one bar stool away from me. The guy from last night comes in and welcomes me. At some point Noi introduces herself to me and we start up a conversation. She told me a bit about herself and told me all about her friends in Thailand and friends from all over the world. I told her all about my experiences in Thailand and all the nice things I had visited on my previous trips. We could get along nicely and I had a nice time talking to her. Later I also met her American friend who also was a fun guy to talk to. After that first meeting with Noi we would talk again regularly and every day I would stop by her bar and have some drinks over there. She was fun to be with and I guess there was mutual feeling of friendship. It was Noi that I ended up in bed with after the 3 hours waiting for Girl A.

Like Sally, Noi also had me caught cheating on her. It seemed in this trip that I had some difficulty with being faithful to one girl. You see I hate sleeping alone when in Thailand. Noi used to come over to my room after she finished work. I guess she liked my company and my bed. We had some talks and then the both of us would fall into sleep. Sometimes I waited in her bar to close and then we would go out for some food and drinks. Me, Noi and all the rest of her bar friends. I got to know them quite a bit during these two weeks holiday. We always had a nice time and good fun. They always let me try some of there food. Don’t ask what they gave me because I don’t remember the names anymore.

In the second week of my holiday Noi told me she had to leave Bangkok for a few days. She said it was for visiting some relatives or something. So One night while she is away I am walking outside looking to find some company and some fun. Noi is still outside Bangkok and I kind a miss her company. I am strolling around Nana Plaza wondering which bar I would enter. I am not in the mood for a go go-bar, just a nice bar for a cold beer, something like that. I’m looking for a bar that has a nice atmosphere and some sweet girls to keep me busy, not those money hungry types but just somebody to talk to. Suddenly I hear my name being called; I turn and see that a girl is calling me. She recognises me, though I give her a good look but I don’t remember who she is. She tells me she saw me six months before at Patong beach in Phuket. It appears to be a girl I had taken out on my previous trip. I didn’t recognise her cause she had a different look and her hair was changed also. She noticed me and was wondering how I was doing. We went for a drink and talked a bit. We went out to a disco and had good time. To cut a long story short she ended up in my room for some “sleep”. In the morning there is a knock at my door. Hey, I wonder who that could be? I get out of bed and walk towards the door. I open the door and see that Noi has come back. Shit Noi, wrong time to come by. You should have better called first to see if it was ok to come over. Had I know you were coming there wouldn’t be another girl in my bed. Why do Thai girls always come unexpected? I got caught again cheating. Why is this happening to me? Noi enters and I explain to her what happened the previous night. The girl is introduced as a friend (bar girl) from my previous trip. Noi is taking it good. She is not angry but tells me quite not to be misunderstood to get rid of the girl. To loosen thing a bit I try to invite both girls to have a shower with me. Noi gives me an angry look and the girl kindly declined. I laugh it of and quickly hide in the bathroom. I get showered and dressed and enter back the room. Noi and the girl are having a little chat but clear to see they are not going to be best of friends anytime near. Quickly I ask the girl to leave and tell her goodbye. It was nice to see her again but now it was the time to go. She wishes me good luck and off she goes.

I apologise to Noi for my behaviour and she takes it cool. She is not angry and she will not chop of my little friend. She says she understands but if it happened again she would be really angry. Now isn’t that sweet or what? That’s what a friend should be right? Forgiving you for misbehaving and still be friends. Noi is a good friend.

I still keep in touch with Noi. From time to time she sends me messages on my mobile asking how I am doing. I send her emails telling her how life is in my side of Farang country. I miss her fun company and I hope to see her again in my next holiday in Thailand. I wonder how she would feel about seeing me again. Would she be happy? Would she come and pick me up at the airport on my arrival? I don’t know really. I just hope so. Would she still be working in that same bar? Would all her friends I got to know still be there?

All of these questions are keeping me busy. All those memories and good times I think about a lot. I think about all my previous trips and all the people I got to know. I wonder about my American friend who lives and work in Thailand. How would he be right now? I envy him because he is living there. He has all the fun and I am here in my boring, cold home town. Just waiting and counting the days until I can go back to Thailand. I am addicted to that place. It’s in my blood and system and it will not get out soon. I am wondering how it would be to live there. How would my life change if I had the chance to move over. Make the big step and emigrate to L.O.S. I sometimes dream about it. But then there is always that annoying sound that wakes me up in the morning. Telling me I have to get out of bed and get ready for work. Back to reality and another day in a “boring”, cold, Farang country. Just hoping, knowing that I will someday step on that plane that flies me back to Thailand.

Thailand I’ll be back … J

Stickman says:

Sounds like you enjoyed yourself.

nana plaza