Stickman Readers' Submissions June 16th, 2003

A Twist

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I think some 4 years back, one of the national newspapers in Holland carried a story that literally hundreds of men had been standing on the national airport Schiphol to await their Thai bride to be. As it turned out, all those men had been waiting for the same girl, who surprise surprise, did not show up.

The newspaper investigated and apparently, all men had the same story about how they had found the girl's name and address in the personals column of a newspaper and after starting to write received requests of money from this girl in order to pay for translating the letter, for the sick buffalo, the bad harvest etc. To keep the men interested they would receive sexy pictures of the girl (some of them now being placed in the newspaper) as well as the letters becoming very sexually oriented. The newspaper sent a reporter to the return address in Bangkok, found it to be a pension house run by a Dutchman whom they suspected of running this scam. Mind you, all these men had sent money for a passport and a ticket as well. The pension owner denied any involvement saying that there were lots of girls in his pension house who did not do anything but writing letters to foreigners.

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So far so good and it seemed an end to the story.

About a year and a half later however, the newspaper ran an unexpected follow up about a guy who also had been writing to this girl but who at a certain moment did not like the way things went, started to write less and less, only to be replied by letters that became hornier and hornier.

He however stopped writing and when he saw the first article in the newspaper, recognized the story and the pictures as indeed being from the same girl.

In spite of the obvious scam, he still could not forget the girl cos in his mind she was the only one for him (based on what you may ask!). The newspaper article went on however describing how this man was walking through his hometown one day and suddenly stood face to face with…..indeed, the Thai girl from the pictures, who supposedly had lured hundreds of men to the airport a few months earlier. He struck up conversation and told her his story, showed her the pictures (that he still kept in his wallet). She was very embarrassed and told him she had never been writing to all these men. When she was down and out, a man in Bangkok had given her money to pose for these photos but that was all she knew about it. She was very ashamed that this had happened. The man, happy to have found the woman of his dreams, was disappointed to find out that she had been married to a Dutchman for some time already.

That seemed to be the last he saw of her. However, months later, he again ran into this girl whose marriage seemed to be on rocky grounds now. To make a long story short, they got married and seem quite happy with each other.

Although I found the story amusing some oddities struck me: The guy thinking he was writing to this girl was put off by her requests for money and stops writing. He can't forget her and when he knows she was not the girl he was writing to but he had been receiving horny letters from another Dutchman, still is in love with this girl that he then only knows from pictures.

Considering however the strange way in which they met they were probably made for each other. Would be interesting to know how they are doing now.

Stickman says:

Wow, amazing.

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