Stickman Readers' Submissions May 29th, 2003

Thai Reality

cbd oil

After the deal was closed the scam artist provided us with a young lady who would be our guide or escort to make sure we received what ever we wanted while we were in Bangkok. He suggested a Thai massage among other things. We got a non-sexual massage but at one those fancy places where the girls are displayed behind the glass windows and where you can get any kind of massage you want.

The young lady, (we will call her Gail) who showed us around, asked if she could bring a friend the next day. The friend turned out to be the same gal who gave me the massage the night before. She could not speak a word of English and we were uncertain of her role in all this. We had a great time with them and they did their job of keeping our mind off the scam. Each night they returned home and we had no physical contact with them the entire time.

mens clinic bangkok

We began to suspect we had probably been ripped off but the girls were just pawns and we continued to simply enjoy their company.

On the last day of the trip, by shear happenstance, Gail and I found ourselves in the hotel room alone. I would be leaving the next day and I asked her if her, or her friend were expecting to have sex with me or my nephew. I wanted to know if they were with us in order to earn some money by having sex with us. She replied that she had two small children and she did not do this but she would have her friend come as she would like to do this. Earn some cash. I explained that I was just curious and it was fine if we (Gail and I) didn't have sex and I just enjoyed being with her. The tension left the room and we left to enjoy the last few hours seeing the city. As we left the room she became warm to me and never left go of my hand this rest of the day. The feeling was definitely mutual and she accompanied me to the airport. At this point, because I was so happy with her and I had such a great time in Thailand, I did give her all the Thai currency I had left – about 1,500 baht. (I understand this is a common occurrence.) She insisted I take her email address and stay in contact even though I never mentioned any definite plans to return to the LOS.

Several emails and short letters later, I returned to Bangkok in January of this year. I was expecting to tour for a couple of weeks. She met me at the hotel and in a lengthy talk she and I discussed our situation. She said "I know you think I want to be with you just to take your money but this is not the case". She said she had never traveled and wanted to get out of Bangkok to see some of rest of Thailand. I said fine, -no sex no money- just travel. She would stay with me for two weeks and her mom would take care of her kids. I insisted that we must take her kids, for at least a day, to an amusement park at some point. Her kids are a result of a marriage that ended in divorce.

I made it clear to her that I was 60 years old and had no plans for a long term relationship as I had already been married twice.

We also discussed her involvement with unsavoury characters. She had left the jewellery after it was closed down by the cops. She said she helped the cops get some refunds for those just ripped – off after she realized it was all a fraud.

Regarding her friends at the massage parlour, she stated she was always tempted to try sex for money because the money was so good but she was just too frightened of the characters you would have to deal with.

We traveled from east to west and even spent a day in Laos. We had a wonderful time together. I paid all the expenses, but she was adamant about not accepting any other money from me. Nor would she allow me to buy her any gifts as we went through the shops and stalls. She certainly seemed to enjoy our travels and she insisted on holding hands all the time. I love it.

The no sex thing broke down the first night as I had no resistance to her advances (I am a normal guy).

As we agreed, I was taken to her mother's home on the outskirts of the city, in the Minburi area. I think it could best be described as a hovel of tin roof variety. I was warmly received and the whole family – mom and her boyfriend, sister and her boyfriend, the kids – were all most hospitable despite the language problems.

We all went to the amusement park, which I most happily paid for. They brought plenty of food and everyone had a great time. It also happened to be Gail's sister's birthday so there would be a little party for her after we returned. This is only one of two times Gail asked for money and it was for her sister's gift which was a very inexpensive item. The other time was for a little gift for her mother when we were returning from Laos.

We returned to the house and had nice time preparing the food for the party. We had a pleasant evening despite the mosquitoes as there were no screens on the entry way. This, by the way, is the home Gail was raised in.

I did not discern any reaction regarding the age difference between Gail and myself as one might have expected in my area of the world.

I left for home and felt that I would return in June if possible simply because my first two visits to Thailand were such a wonderful experience. I left Gail with my intentions, but no promises about anything, as I am not a wealthy guy and would need to budget carefully for any future trips.

As we were leaving for the airport I passed her some money (10,000 baht) which she did not even look at but simply put into her pocket. I was happy the way she handled this as I wanted to show her my gratitude for being with me for two weeks but I did not want it to be a money for sex thing. I would have given her the money had there been no sex. I think she understood this.

Even before arriving this time, I was giving serious consideration to relocating to Thailand to get involved in teaching ESL as I had taught high school in the states and have credentials most schools seem to looking for. After this last visit, I am even more interested in pursuing this idea. I intend to inquire about this when I return in June.

I found Gail, although from a most humble background, was a bright gal and most capable in all the situations e found ourselves in. WE have corresponded and emailed each other since my return and plan to see each when I return soon.

In short, in a few days I will be returning to see a young lady with whom I had a wonderful time the last time we were together. We a have emailed and sent letters to each other, (I always included a small amount of cash – 30 – 40 dollars) about once a month.

My apprehension results from my desire not to have anyone hurt in this kind of relationship. I am certain she enjoyed my company and I did not discern any negative feedback from her family or her friends. I look forward to another three weeks of her company. However, I know this is Thailand and I am uncertain about their expectations in this kind of arrangement.

I would appreciate a cold eyed view from anyone who might have insight as to these matters.

Does this geezer need a slap in the face or can two people simply enjoy each other's company.

Stickman says:

As your expectations are not high, there is no need to be concerned about anything. You haven't fallen in love with her yet, so why not just continue as it is. Just be conscious of your feelings for her may change with increased time spent together.

nana plaza