The Future
I’ve reached the point in my preparations for moving where I no longer have time to complete a full column. Within 30 days I’ll be boarding a plane for America and I suspect it will be early July before I am settled and in a position to resume the In Focus, Bangkok Images Weekly column. My target date to resume the column is July 11th, 2011.
I’ll need your help to keep the column going. The Thailand centric areas such as the Feature Destination and the Feature Photograph, as well as Readers Submissions and Reader Questions will need to come from our readers in the future. I will still be doing tutorials, reviews, Musings, news, and the occasional Feature Photograph, but I’ll need your help to keep the rest going. If you have material to share please send it in to at your convenience.
If come July 11th there is enough submitted material to continue the column, then the weekly column will be continued and I’ll really enjoy putting it all together and bringing you as much new material as possible. Already I have 4-5 great Feature Destinations in the queue and a couple readers' submissions and questions.
Bangkok Images The Business
I’m planning to return twice a year to hold workshops. I’ll soon rewrite the workshop area of my website with more information as soon as I can pin down some dates. I really look forward to and enjoy the workshops and there already seems to be a high interest. If you have any dates which are good for you please send them in.
Bangkok Images The Website
I’ve put a great deal of work into this site over the last year and it’s just now becoming a site I’m really proud of. Without a doubt it’s the best photography centric website in the Kingdom and that’s no exaggeration. In just the last few weeks we’ve really improved the look of the site and added some great new features (read below). We’re climbing in the search engine ratings every day and our numbers are growing 20-25% per month. The best part is it’s a users' site.
This means I’ve set it up to support our users/members with1000’s of useful articles and tutorials
, User Galleries
,Thailand Photo Stories, and just recently I’ve added some very cool Online Images Editors which you can use from internet café’s while traveling or if you just don’t have your own imaging software yet.
These editors are in the Members Café area. There is an Advanced Editor which supports must major editing functions including layers, and an Easy Express Editor your grandmother could use without knowing a single thing about imaging. Using English menus you can resize, crop, change exposure, or just about anything you desire without knowing a thing about image processing. Check them out! These editors are for you! And soon I’ll be adding a Depth of Field calculator which is camera and lens specific. If there are any other tools or features you’d like to see please let me know at
Dana continues to send in some really great work for the Thailand Photo Stories area. His latest which went live today is titled “Happy or Sad.” You’ll really enjoy these. His next piece “He’s a Photographer” is already in the queue and will go live on April 9th.
And while I won’t have time for a full column until July, I hope to have time to complete some new articles which I’ll post individually on and I’ll link them here in a short post with links and a description so you’ll know when they become available. is a showcase website whose look and design is currently being used to promote five major businesses that I know of. And we still have plans for improvement and new features. Check it out, you won’t be disappointed.
A Final Word
I want to thank Stickman for allowing me to post my column on his great website over the last three years, and I want to thank the readers for making it such a success with your readership and all of your contributions. This is truly YOUR column and YOUR website and I’m really proud of both.
Thank you Thailand for over ten years of paradise, albeit an imperfect paradise. I’ve enjoyed living here more than anywhere else, I’ve made good friends, established a great client base, and lived the dream the entire time.
And a special thank you for all the kind emails and phone calls wishing me good luck and all the kind words. Each one touched me.
I’ll forever maintain an interest in Thailand and I’ll be here twice a year for workshops. And someday.. I’ll Be Back..